General information
Hours: Monday - Friday (5am - 4:30pm) | Address: 5771 Calle Sal Si Puedes San Diego, Ca 92139 | Phone: 619.250..7625
Infants 8 weeks to 23 months
Toddlers 24 months to school age
Now accepting: CDA, YMCA, MCCYN Program
*Military Discount for Active Duty
Holidays & vacation 2022
** Two weeks of vacation will be taken each year with advance notice.
January 1st - New Year
January 17th - Martin Luther King
February 21 - President’s Day
May 30th - Memorial Day
June 19th - Juneteenth
July 4th - Independence Day
September 5th - Labor Day
November 11th - Veterans Day
November 24, 25th - Thanksgiving and Black Friday
December 25th - Christmas Day
“Rocio’s curriculum is an excellent mixture of learning and fun. Our kids were always so happy to go to daycare & preschool and rarely wanted to leave to go home at the end of an 9 hour day. She always showed so much care in their education and personal development.”
— Alicia Thompson